June 2010 was classy.
And documenting it started with a bang.
June 04, just before my birthday. As I was silently lying in bed in Tita's house (and yes, mom and I finally got a bedroom inside), Pie sent me a message and suddenly invited me to go to Greenhills Shopping Center with Bryan and Nicole. And so we were there. That week, Dad was here too for yet another PNB seminar. So after that we went to Megamall and met Dad. On my birthday, which was the next day, was Dad's last night in the metro. So we, he and my mom and I, had a whole roast chicken at Kenny's to celebrate my birthday (where I came from a very tiring photoshoot, earlier posts).

We discovered Yogurt Froz, another expensive yogurt ice cream thingy, at Hobbes and Landes. Perfectly yummy. <3

June 16 was the Freshie Concert, where we in the organization assisted Block 2 to go to the UP THeater for that event. Many as we are, we were only able to assist one blockless freshie at the moment, while Block 2 enjoys their Math class.

First GA at the org for the sem. This is how we do it.

Neo-PolSci Majors' Day. June 21. We were there for Block 2 and the rest of the new members of the Political Science community. :)

Kriscell and I.

I thought the Erap wristband died ages ago.


I desi

June 22. Went to SM City North Edsa with Cedez. Dilly Bar is love. <3

June 25, Friday afternoon, was time to Overhaul: the UP Political Society Applicants' Orientation. And yes, there are what, 16 or 17 or so that many as it is, applicants for this semester. Kinda scary yet moving. :)

By June 28, Monday, Marco and friends ambushed me and dragged me to the insides of Katipunan Avenue, for an hour of Rockband and for an eternity of debt accumulation. :( Yes, it was indeed fun and I enjoyed the drums and the bass, but not the heavy rain that made us wet after.

The Fender Stratocaster. Epic.

Jella. And her epic hair.

So wasted.



Owen and Archelle. Probably one of the weirdest couples I had ever known. Yes, they're pretty normal and cute, but somehow sometimes I find them weird.
June 29 was no-class-tomorrow night. It was intended for Molave's Talent's Night by new residents. But something unforeseen ocurred and it ended up into one of Molave's happiest night this month: the Grand Molave Chain. Basically, it is still the Talent's Night, minus the formality of the event.

Can I enumerate us? No. I don't think I can. Basically we're last year's batch of newbies at Molave (except for Tabel, the only girl in the picture with the glasses since she's like Batch '05 by student ID).

The Molave Oldies: (from left) Wang, Fabs, CJ, Brenda, Rommel, Tabel.

Rommel Sherwin. And all that fat.

Max. Mark. Whatever. I still like to call him Gabriel (geybriyel). I'm not used to calling other people Mark, primarily because it's what my long-time friends call me, until now.

Tara. She could have been flaming in her dress.

From left: R-Jay, Veyellah, Brent, and Nice.
Oh. I might as well just miss everything out.
June simply was another month for me. But then, it's not another lame one.